Urban Dogs

With new developments and skyscrapers springing up everywhere in major cities, open spaces where you can take your dog for a good walk are slowly disappearing with each passing moment. The few options left, if you’re in an urban community, are dog parks, your apartment, and the sidewalk. So what are a few fun things…


The Great Bacon vs. Lettuce Debate

If you had to make a choice to omit one ingredient from one of America’s favorite sandwiches, The BLT, which would you choose? Without the bacon or the lettuce, there’s no BLT, but if it meant being more environmentally friendly, which ingredient would you choose?   For years, vegetarians have been eating what many think…

Reconsider Raking: Don’t Touch the Leaves

With winter right around the corner, raking leaves and general yard cleanup is at the top of many autumn to-do lists. Neighborhoods on the weekends become a noisy chorus of leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and the rhythmic sound of raking. Additionally, many lawn care companies are getting their last boost of business before the snow…

The Chances You’ve Been Exposed To Asbestos In NYC

Asbestos is the material that has been manufactured from a mixture of fibrous minerals. The sub-classification of asbestos includes crocidolite, tremolite chrysotile, amosite, anthophyllite, actinolite. The most common forms of asbestos are amosite and chrysotile. Asbestos is durable and fire-resistant. It is also resistant to all major chemical breakdowns and reactions. That is the reason…

Will Autonomous Cars Be Good for the Environment?

The big buzz in automobile talk is the autonomous car, which sounds like it comes straight from the pages of a futuristic novel. Although there has been a slow introduction, with the Google Car for example, technology experts are confident that the autonomous car will be a staple on our roadways by 2040. The driverless…

Take a Look at DC’s Growing Bicycle Culture

In an effort to diversify content, I’ve decided to create a spotlight at Washington DC and its bike friendly culture: These days, it seems that every city, big and small, wants to be “bike friendly”. Seems easy enough to put in a few bike lanes, open a bike shop, and promote helmet use. Many communities…

Are Government Regulations Stifling Innovation?

Since 1970, when the National Environmental Protection Act was enacted and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established to enforce it, there has been an increase in environmental awareness and the number of state and federal environmental regulations. Environmental laws can have a positive impact on the health and safety of people and the planet.…

Ways to Get Your City to Become Bike Friendly

The top bike friendly cities in the US are Minneapolis, Portland, Boulder, Seattle, Eugene, and San Francisco, just to name a few. Here you can enjoy cycling without worrying about accidents or legal issues. Did your city make the list? What makes cities and areas bicycle-friendly mostly depends on their infrastructure. If your city’s infrastructure…