Dakota Access Pipeline, Too Much, Too Late

In the nineteenth century, we Americans took over their land under the curious and clearly faulty doctrine of Manifest Destiny. We put the Native Americans on reservations, and ever since we have been whittling away at these seriously reduced holdings. A perfect example is the Dakota Access Pipeline, a case of pipeline location mismanagement that…

Grass is Not Green

It’s disturbing that so many influential environmentalists have avoided what is one of the overriding “green” issues of our time. That issue is grass. Yes, ordinary yard grass, in about three ordinary subspecies, decorating the lawns of approximately 75 million American homes. Not to mention all the grass surrounding apartment buildings, commercial buildings, public parks,…

lawn care

Lawns, the Environment, and What’s Next!

Lawns have long had a treasured role in the United States. For many American homeowners, the law has represented success, physical evidence they’ve reached the dream of personal independence and middle class status. To these people, lawns signify prosperity, self-control, and freedom. Not everyone agrees. Many people, including ecologists, landscapers, individualists, and earth-conscious homeowners have…

carbon footprint

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

There’s always talk about reducing one’s carbon footprint, in order to benefit the environment, but what do you really know about your carbon footprint? A carbon footprint is the “total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities” and is typically expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Many of…


Gardening for the Environment

Gardening is one of the ultimate spring and summer hobbies that is also full of benefits. Not only has gardening proven to boost your immune system, lower your stress, and make you happier and healthier overall, but planting a garden allows you access to some of the freshest fruits and vegetables. Additionally, if done mindfully,…

clean sea

What Can You Do To Help Keep The Seas Trash Free?

Oceans are what connect all living things on Earth, and they’re what keep us all alive. To say that oceans are important is an understatement – they’re vital to all beings and humankind. Because we’re all connected with the ocean, we have to understand how all of our choices on this planet affect it. Everyone’s…

legal living

Is it Legal to Live Off Grid?

Many people make the bold move to go off-grid to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint. By building homes with solar panels and wind turbines, off-grid residents attempt to be self-sustaining without relying on public utilities. Not only are people, who choose to live the off-grid (if done properly), reducing their…

How Will You Celebrate Earth Day?

Although we currently face a handful of environmental crises, such as global warming, air pollution, the depletion of natural resources, water pollution, and the loss of biodiversity, as a nation, country, and planet we may be better off than we could be, thanks to the inception of Earth Day. Since April 22, 1970, Earth Day…

global warming

Global Warming Vs. Donald Trump

Many are now asking themselves whether the phenomenon of global warming really exists and is happening, or whether it is an elaborate lie propagated by the world-wide media. You will hear many people with very differing opinions on the topic. Some strongly support the theory of global warming, while others think it is just a…

Saving Gas by Drafting: Lethal Trend

Over the last few years, a few showboating motorists have been experimenting with an extremely dangerous technique for saving gas. This technique is called drafting, and it’s incredible reckless. Drafting is not a brand new idea, but it’s become a little more well known since the popular science television program Mythbusters demonstrated that the technique…